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Manchester City Council consultation launched on 2015-17 budget options – deadline 18 Feb 2014

27 Nov 2014 - 09:38 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council has launched the main consultation on its 2015-17 budget options, along with a number of individual consultations on specific elements.

Options for consultation were agreed by the council’s Executive on Wednesday 26 November.

They aim to address an estimated funding shortfall of £59m in 2015/16, potentially rising to £90 million in 2016/17.

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Child Sexual Exploitation Review - Opportunity for VCS groups to contribute

17 Nov 2014 - 16:02 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council has commissioned an independent review of arrangements for dealing with Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE).

It will be conducted by Sheila Taylor of the National Working Group.

The aim of the review is to identify where things are working well and what needs to be improved.

Sheila is keen to ensure that the voluntary and community sector have input into the review.

Discussions will focus on your understanding, experiences and approaches to CSE

The event will be on 8 December at Manchester Town Hall.

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Today We Are Angry, Tomorrow We Must Talk

12 Nov 2014 - 15:23 by Mike Wild

A lot of people in the local voluntary sector are going to be very angry today. They’re going to feel threatened, undervalued, rejected and hopeless. The Council’s budget proposals will make horrible reading for many people who’ve been working very hard for a long time to make a difference in the city. For some groups this will mean cuts to services and activities. For many it will mean many job losses – the sector is an employer too, after all. For some this may be the last straw and we may see the end of a number of organisations that have made a great contribution to the city.

Parental Engagement Fund

5 Nov 2014 - 11:17 by michelle.foster

The £1 million Fund is looking to support the growth, increased effectiveness and measurement of impact of projects, led by not- for- profit organisations, aimed at improving children’s cognitive development through actively engaging parents in their children’s learning. It will be looking for projects primarily targeted at children from disadvantaged backgrounds aged between 2-6.

Funding for the projects will range from £50,000-£200,000 over a funding period of two to three years, with project delivery starting between April and September 2015.

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MAES - Health and Social Care courses

27 Oct 2014 - 13:33 by cheryl.mcalister

Health and Social Care courses
Latest courses from Manchester Adult Education Service.


This qualification develops a basic knowledge of the adult social care sector. It covers the type of job roles and services within it, the role of communication and the importance of valuing the individuals being cared for.


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Manchester's school nursing service consultation for future commissioning.

24 Oct 2014 - 10:16 by michelle.foster

Commissioning the School Nurse Service/ Schools Health Partnership

The school nursing service is a public health service for every child of school age. It aims to make sure children and their families receive a core programme of preventative health care and additional care if they need it.

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Our Space Your Place Grants

24 Oct 2014 - 09:43 by michelle.foster

Our Space, Your Place offers organisations, community groups and charities across the region the opportunity to benefit from support in the form of funding or time, to improve their community.

The only condition is that the contribution should be used for something which will genuinely enhance or improve services, facilities or the environment within their local area.

Contributions are available from £100 to £1,000.

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Autumn School Holiday activities for young Mancunians

10 Oct 2014 - 09:47 by michelle.foster

There really is allsorts for young Mancunians to do over the school holidays this Autumn – try a different activity to learn new skills or just develop those you’ve already got.

Whether you fancy yourself as a BMX pro, or just want to kick a ball about with friends, the wide range of activities should keep all age-groups busy – you can even get involved in a Circus Skills workshop!.

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BBC Watchdog special - Are you part of a family who want to save money but don’t know how?

8 Oct 2014 - 15:05 by michelle.foster

A BBC Watchdog Special on saving money is looking for families with 2 children (aged from 5 to 16 years) with a household income of up to £30,000.

They can teach you how to reduce your household bills and get things for free without changing the quality of your life.

The families must be happy to be filmed for a maximum of five days during November

For further information and to take part contact Bronagh McKenna on 0773 496 6531 or email: [email protected]

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Greater Manchester launches campaign to tackle Child Sexual Exploitation

26 Sep 2014 - 11:46 by michelle.foster

The ‘It’s not okay’ campaign has been created by Project Phoenix, a unique collaboration of public and third sector partners throughout Greater Manchester.

Project Phoenix aspire to be national leaders in the approach they’re taking to protect young people from Child Sexual Exploitation and prosecute offenders.

For further information, visit: www.itsnotokay.co.uk  

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