
Hulme Garden Centre - Spirit Story - Marrow Barrows

Ten Marrow Barrows regulars attended a session in Birley Fields Orchard today, Friday 23rd September. Victoria is one of them. She’s been coming to Marrow Barrows sessions, a group for people with complex needs, for some time now and she loves doing something that she’s never done before, getting her hands mucky whilst having a relaxing chat.

Coming to this Hulme Garden Centre gardening project boosted her confidence and she found herself “able to speak to more people”. She regularly attends the session on Friday mornings and uses the knowledge and experience she has gained.

Sow the City Spirit Story – making Manchester full of beans!!

Sow the City is a social enterprise on a mission. It wants to take vacant and derelict bits of Manchester and turn each one into a green oasis, where members of the community are supported to design a garden to grow their own fruit and vegetables. They have already worked with over 80 community groups in Manchester to do this, and today was a step closer to starting work on a new site.


Help us showcase the work of Manchester’s voluntary, community and social enterprise sector

Our State of the Sector Survey in 2013 found that there were 3,093 voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations in Manchester, with an estimated income of £477 million. The sector employed the equivalent of 12,400 full time staff and 94,300 volunteers gave 370,000 hours, with an estimated value of £332 million. Decision makers took note of the survey results, we know it increased their understanding of the sector. Some of the key facts (3093 organisations, 94,300 volunteers) are now widely quoted by colleagues in the Council, the NHS and other bodies such as Big Lottery Fund.

Manchester Climate Change – Our City’s shared plan to tackle climate change consultation

'Manchester will play its full part in limiting the impacts of climate change… and by 2025 will be on a path to being a zero carbon city by 2050’.

This is Manchester’s latest commitment on climate change. It is based on the comments made by residents and businesses as part of the public consultation on the Our Manchester strategy in 2015.

Our city’s shared plan to tackle climate change - consultation

‘Manchester will play its full part in limiting the impacts of climate change… and by 2025 will be on a path to being a zero carbon city by 2050’.

This is Manchester’s latest commitment on climate change. It is based on the comments made by residents and businesses as part of the public consultation on the Our Manchester strategy in 2015.


Cast your vote for the Best Community Space Spirit of Manchester Award 2016

Voting is now open to vote for the Best Community Space Spirit of Manchester Award 2016.

Award criteria
A community space can be a piece of land or a building available for use by the community. Organisations needed to show:
• Best use of a community space
• How the space is seen as central within the community
• The impact it has within the local community

Tesco Bags of Help grants

The Bags of Help grant funds capital projects that provide community benefit that do not charge for access. The community grant scheme will support thousands of community green space projects each year with between £8,000 and £12,000.

Tesco award grants each year in around 400 Tesco regions to make sure the funding is spread evenly across England, Wales and Scotland. In total the Bags of Help programme supports thousands of projects each year.

Research Project looking at wasted resources in the city – we need your views

We are currently working with a group of students from University of Manchester to look at wasted resources in the city. Could you help by completing our questionnaire?

We are looking to set up a way businesses can register their 'waste' unused assets, which will then be donated to a deserving community member or group.

The questionnaire won't take long to complete and all informationgiven will be treated as confidential and no individual responses (from named individuals or organisations) will be disclosed without permission.