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All Equalities

Race equality and migrant rights organisations call for independent review into institutional racism in the Home Office

23 Mar 2020 - 15:40 by michelle.foster

RunnymedeFollowing the publication of the Windrush Lessons Learned Review, 15 race equality and migrant rights organisations (full list below) have today called for an independent review into the extent of institutional racism in the Home Office and whether its immigration policies are in accordance with equality law around racial discrimination.

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Equal Power

17 Jan 2020 - 10:34 by michelle.foster

The Fawcett SocietyEqual Power is a ground-breaking campaign to transform women’s representation at every level of politics.

It’s time for Equal Power: equal representation for women in all our diversity. Women like you are needed to take part.

Equal Power will equip you with the knowledge, skills and confidence to stand for election, or support you to become a leader and campaigner in your local community.

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The Feminist Review Trust Grants

17 Jan 2020 - 10:02 by michelle.foster

Feminist Review TrustThe Feminist Review Trust has grants of up to £15,000 available for projects that transform the lives of women. The trust can fund projects that are ‘hard to fund’, pump priming activities, interventionist projects which support feminist values, training and development projects and core funding.

The Feminist Review Trust will fund:

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International Women's Day 2020: The Walk for Women 2019-20 Fund

5 Dec 2019 - 15:30 by michelle.foster

Manchester City CouncilAs long-standing supporters of gender equality Manchester City Council support activities every March to promote and celebrate International Women’s Day. The third annual Walk for Women takes place on Saturday 7 March 2020, and Manchester City Council want as many people and organisations as possible to join in.

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Macc wins Manchester Voluntary Sector Infrastructure Contract

4 Oct 2019 - 14:09 by michelle.foster

MaccAs you may be aware, earlier this year Manchester City Council and Manchester Health and Care Commissioning launched a competitive tendering process for the contract to provide support to the city's voluntary and community sector for the next three years. We are delighted to announce that Macc has been awarded this contract.

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Tampon Tax Community Fund

13 Sep 2019 - 10:46 by michelle.foster

The purpose of the Tampon Tax Fund is to allocate the funds generated from the VAT on sanitary products to projects that improve the lives of disadvantaged women and girls. 

The Tampon Tax Community Fund aims to support women who are most marginalised to overcome barriers that prevent them from fulfilling their potential. The programme will benefit women and girls, investing in a wide variety of projects that make a tangible and long-term difference to health, well-being, confidence and social/economic activity, as well as addressing equality gaps.

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Spirit of Manchester Story Week 2019 – Climate Emergency

6 Aug 2019 - 13:46 by michelle.foster

Are you a Manchester voluntary, community and social enterprise sector organisation? Would you like to share a story of your activity to tackle the climate emergency, as part of the 2019 Spirit of Manchester Story Week in September?

Spirit of Manchester Story Week 2019 - Climate emergency

We are looking for 20 VCSE organisations to share their stories during the week of 23-27 September.

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