Mental Health

The People's Plan for Greater Manchester

Macc’s purpose is to encourage, support and develop voluntary and community groups and individuals to have a real influence over the places and communities in which they live. So for that reason alone, we’re supporting the People’s Plan as a non-partisan, citizen-led movement bringing new and seldom-heard voices into the conversation about the future of Greater Manchester.

Culturally-appropriate Schizophrenia Psychological Education Resources focus group

Would you like to help develop a learning resource to improve African Caribbean families’ knowledge and understanding of schizophrenia?

You are invited to take part in the second phase of the research if you are 18 -29 years old and a family member, relative or carer to someone with African Caribbean heritage diagnosed with schizophrenia.

George House Trust Spirit Story - Everybody Valued, Everybody Equal

Last night (Wednesday 21st September), George House Trust (GHT) held its Annual General Meeting. It has a unique governance structure, one that fully involves the people who use GHT services and the volunteers. It is part of what makes the culture of GHT, a culture where everyone is valued, everyone is equal.

Help us showcase the work of Manchester’s voluntary, community and social enterprise sector

Our State of the Sector Survey in 2013 found that there were 3,093 voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations in Manchester, with an estimated income of £477 million. The sector employed the equivalent of 12,400 full time staff and 94,300 volunteers gave 370,000 hours, with an estimated value of £332 million. Decision makers took note of the survey results, we know it increased their understanding of the sector. Some of the key facts (3093 organisations, 94,300 volunteers) are now widely quoted by colleagues in the Council, the NHS and other bodies such as Big Lottery Fund.

Food For All

Food For All is a small project that is part of Manchester Mind. Their aim is to improve people’s mental and physical wellbeing by supporting them to eat better food, to feel more confident about cooking it, and to connect with others during cooking sessions.


Opportunity to become a Board Member at Just Psychology CIC

Just Psychology is a social enterprise based in the North West of England which provides services which address the psychological and mental health needs of children, adults and families, with particular emphasis on cultural diversity, cultural competence and social justice.

IAPT speed partnering event – 29 July

As part of the Mental Health Grants programme we are facilitating ‘speed dating’ style events where voluntary, community and social enterprises (VCSE) representatives can meet with IAPT provider representatives to explore the potential for partnership development.

This relates to aim two of the Mental Health Grants programme to: increase the take-up of Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) programme services among communities that finds them difficult to access.

From Crisis Care to Despair - Lives in jeopardy over poor crisis treatment for the mentally ill

A recent Care Quality Commission (CQC) national research report has shown that 86% of adults surveyed felt dissatisfied with their treatment in crisis care.

Manchester Mental Health Charter Alliance has been commissioned by NHS North, Central and South Manchester Clinical Commissioning Groups to engage with service users and carers who have experienced crisis.
