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All Older People

Annual Ageing Better Conference 2018

30 Nov 2018 - 14:54 by victoria.jones

I recently travelled to Margate in Kent with GMOPN Action Group member Elaine Unegbu, in order to attend the Big Lottery’s annual Ageing Better Conference. Having never been to a conference before, I was quite apprehensive and wasn’t quite sure what to expect. I needn’t have worried though as the conference was fantastic! I had the opportunity to learn so much from a wide range of people and to find out what the rest of the country is doing in order to make their area more age-friendly.

Shared Topic Areas: 

Age-friendly and inclusive volunteering fund

30 Nov 2018 - 10:56 by michelle.foster

The Centre for Social Action has partnered with the Centre for Ageing Better to launch the Age-friendly and inclusive volunteering fund. The fund has been set up to develop and document models of good practice in supporting older people’s voluntary and community activity. Centre for Ageing Better

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Referral pathway and immediate support for lonely/isolated individuals over 65 from Manchester Cares

12 Oct 2018 - 10:43 by michelle.foster

Manchester Cares would like to introduce: Winter Wellbeing, their brand new, easy way to refer to their network. Manchester Cares

If you know an older neighbour, who is over 65 and could benefit from their support get in touch.

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Study into health and well-being of older people

5 Oct 2018 - 10:39 by michelle.foster

The University of Manchester are investigating the health and well-being benefits of green space in cities for older people. (‘Green space' means trees, parks, woodland, ponds, rivers, canals, allotments, and so on.) University of Manchester

The research team are looking for people who are 65 or over who might be interested in taking part in a study that surveys reasons for valuing green space. 

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Spirit of Manchester Story - Luncheon club provides safe, friendly environment for local senior citizens

28 Sep 2018 - 17:15 by tony.russ

Whitemoss Youth Club and Community Centre is celebrating it’s 62nd Anniversary this year. Run by young and older volunteers the centre caters for children aged 6 to 19 or 25 with disabilities and senior citizens through a regular luncheon club.

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Mayor's Age-Friendly Challenge – Improving the lives of older people

28 Sep 2018 - 10:29 by michelle.foster

The Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, has issued an Age-Friendly Challenge to help make Greater Manchester the best place in the UK to grow older. Greater Manchester is already the UK’s first age-friendly city-region according to the World Health Organization. Great news! But what does that look like in reality? Through the Mayor’s age-friendly challenge, it will find practical examples of what age-friendly really means and share best practice across the city region.

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Shared Topic Areas: 

Take part in the GM Mayoral Communities Challenge

30 Aug 2018 - 15:36 by michelle.foster

The Mayoral Communities Challenge consists of two phases. Ambition for ageing

Phase one focuses on communities and neighbourhoods and will concentrate on looking at age-friendly places across Greater Manchester that are making a difference to older people’s everyday lives. The deadline for all phase one submissions is midnight, Saturday 1 December 2018.

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UnLtd – Thrive: Solutions for an Ageing Society

30 Aug 2018 - 15:33 by michelle.foster

Thrive is UnLtd’s new social accelerator helping ambitious social ventures to scale. UnLtd

UnLtd will support over 25 social ventures a year through Thrive. UnLtd will support two groups of social ventures developing solutions in two distinct areas:
• Improving access to employment for those distant from the labour market
• Developing products and services for an ageing society

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Macc is a recruiting a new Chair of Trustees

30 Aug 2018 - 14:32 by michelle.foster

Macc is a charity and put simply, our purpose is the city of Manchester. We work to inspire, enable and support the people of Manchester to get involved and build the communities where we live, work and grow. We are the support and development organisation for local charities, voluntary organisations, community groups and social enterprises. Macc

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