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All Older People

Macc is recruiting new Trustees

30 Aug 2018 - 14:31 by michelle.foster

Macc is a charity and put simply, our purpose is the city of Manchester. We work to inspire, enable and support the people of Manchester to get involved and build the communities where we live, work and grow. We are the support and development organisation for local charities, voluntary organisations, community groups and social enterprises. Macc

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Trapped: Stopping the criminal exploitation of children and vulnerable adults - Conference Invite - Monday 8 October

22 Aug 2018 - 12:43 by michelle.foster

A forthcoming free conference the Programme Challenger and Deputy Mayor’s officer are hosting on Monday 8 October at Audacious Church.

The conference is focussed around what work has been done, and we can do as a GM system to identify, prevent and address the criminal exploitation of children and vulnerable adults.

We are inviting partners from LA’s (including the Safeguarding Boards) Police, Health, Education and Youth Offending Service, but we are also keen to ensure we have good representation from the voluntary, community and faith sector.

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Mayoral age-friendly communities challenge launched – submit your schemes by 1 December

13 Jul 2018 - 09:40 by michelle.foster

During The Festival of Ageing’s opening celebrations, Manchester’s Mayor, Andy Burnham issued his age-friendly communities mayoral challenge. He is asking the voluntary and community sector, public services, and older people’s groups to submit their best age-friendly schemes with a view to helping to create even more age-friendly neighbourhoods across Greater Manchester. Ambition for Ageing

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Greater Manchester’s first Festival of Ageing is seeking people from across the city-region to get involved

4 May 2018 - 10:54 by michelle.foster

The Festival of Ageing will take place from the 2 July to 15 July. The celebratory event will portray a more positive view of ageing, as well as encouraging policy-makers to take the action needed to improve the lives of Greater Manchester’s 907,000 older people – a figure set to rise to 1.1million in the next twenty years. Festival of Ageing

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More research needed to support Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) older people to avoid becoming social isolated

27 Apr 2018 - 11:16 by michelle.foster

A new report published by Ambition for Ageing calls for more research into the experiences of older Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) people in Greater Manchester in order to tackle social isolation. Ambition for Ageing

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Invitation to talk about housing with architecture students

19 Apr 2018 - 07:34 by jack.puller

"Care & Repair England aims to improve housing & related services so that older people can live independently in their own homes for as long as they choose.

  • Our special focus is on older people living in poor or unsuitable private housing
  • We work with, and not just for, older people
  • We innovate, develop, support and promote practical housing help eg with home repairs, adaptations, or advice about moving home

We seek to improve related policy and practice."

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