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All Older People

Information on plans to commemorate the anniversary of the Manchester Arena attack

11 Apr 2018 - 12:29 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council is leading the city’s arrangements to mark the anniversary of the Manchester Arena attack on Tuesday 22 May 2018. We love Manchester Chairty

Those affected by those terrible events will want to mark the date in different ways, so the programme is varied and takes different forms, to make sure that people can feel connected to it.

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Greater Manchester becomes UK's first age-friendly city region

19 Mar 2018 - 10:03 by michelle.foster

The World Health Organization has recognised Greater Manchester as the UK’s first age-friendly city region. To mark the achievement, on 16 March 18 the Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, has launched his age-friendly strategy and joined GreaterSport to celebrate the securing of £1m funding from Sport England to encourage older people to be more physically and socially active.

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Growing older with learning disabilities scaled programme launch - invitation to bid

16 Mar 2018 - 10:20 by michelle.foster

Does your organisation have a demonstrable track record in working with people over 50 who have learning disabilities? Can your experience and expertise contribute to ground breaking work that seeks to significantly reduce social isolation in this traditionally hard to reach group? Would you like to partner with Ambition for Ageing to deliver an exciting 2-phase project that will result in older people with learning disabilities to have a louder voice in discussions about ageing?

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Asset based Approaches and Inequalities paper published

16 Mar 2018 - 10:11 by michelle.foster

Ambition for Ageing has released a briefing titled Asset-based Approaches and Inequalities, looking at the risks to inequalities asset-based approaches can have. The document highlights the need for recognition of the barriers faced by marginalised groups as a key part of asset-based work in order to avoid contributing to existing inequalities. Ambition for Ageing

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Asset-based Approaches and Inequalities briefing paper launched

8 Mar 2018 - 10:45 by michelle.foster

Ambition for Ageing recently released a briefing titled Asset-based Approaches and Inequalities, looking at the risks to inequalities asset-based approaches can have. Ambition for Ageing

The document highlights the need for recognition of the barriers faced by marginalised groups as a key part of asset-based work in order to avoid contributing to existing inequalities.

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