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Partnership opportunity with Jobcentre Plus in Greater Manchester East & West District

4 Dec 2014 - 11:18 by michelle.foster

Greater Manchester East & West District (GMEW) Jobcentre Plus is looking to invite applications for Grant Funding from partners aimed at improving the job prospects for people facing the most complex and intractable barriers to employment.

Jobcentre Plus is offering the opportunity to supplement existing, or develop new, partnership activities that will help them achieve this vision.

Grant Funding will be available up to the value of £49,000 per project.

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Forever Manchester Seed Fund – apply by 12 Dec 2014

28 Nov 2014 - 11:00 by michelle.foster

The Seed Fund’s current funding priority is to encourage and support grass-root community activity. This means small, community-based and locally controlled, newly and emerging groups that have been in existence for less than one year. These groups need to be able to manage themselves, encourage active participation from volunteers, have minimal cash reserves and limited access to funding support. The fund can also support individuals who have an idea to help others in the community.

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Help the Homeless Grants – next deadline 15 Dec 14

28 Nov 2014 - 10:47 by michelle.foster

Grants from Help the Homeless are available to small and medium-sized charitable organisations. Grants of up to £5,000 are available for the capital costs of projects.

All applications must relate to projects that assist individuals in their return to mainstream society, rather than simply offer shelter or other forms of sustenance.

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Manchester City Council consultation launched on 2015-17 budget options – deadline 18 Feb 2014

27 Nov 2014 - 09:38 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council has launched the main consultation on its 2015-17 budget options, along with a number of individual consultations on specific elements.

Options for consultation were agreed by the council’s Executive on Wednesday 26 November.

They aim to address an estimated funding shortfall of £59m in 2015/16, potentially rising to £90 million in 2016/17.

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2014-20 European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF)

21 Nov 2014 - 10:21 by michelle.foster

Greater Manchester has an allocation of £356 million of European Structural Funds for the 2014-20 programme.

The European Structural Funds overall are designed to reduce economic inequalities by targeting additional resources at developing skills, jobs and enterprise for those people and areas which need extra help. There is also clear acknowledgement of the importance of social inclusion and social innovation as necessary conditions of economic inclusion.

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Getting better prepared for European funding

21 Nov 2014 - 10:14 by michelle.foster

The Big Lottery Fund has made available fixed amounts of funding per LEP area proportionate to its investment in the area. Greater Manchester was allocated £20,000. This funding, under the BLF’s Building Better Opportunities programme, is to raise awareness within the voluntary community and social enterprise (VCSE) sector of the opportunities available through the European Social Fund.

GMCVO is delivering the project in Greater Manchester in partnership with New Economy and Network for Europe.

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Homophobic, biphobic and transphobic (HBT) bullying grants

21 Nov 2014 - 10:10 by michelle.foster

The government has made tackling all forms of bullying a top priority and has been clear that it does not want any young person to go to school dreading the treatment they will get. It is never acceptable for a child to be bullied, victimised or harmed in any way. Bullying is a priority in the Department for Education’s (DfE) National Prosepctus Grants Programme 2015/16. This is a separate grant funded by the Government Equalities Office (GEO) that specifically targets homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying. It is being administered by the GEO in conjunction with the DfE

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Let's End Hate Crime - Grants available for activities in your neighbourhood

13 Nov 2014 - 12:26 by michelle.foster

Manchester wants to end hate crime by building on the City's reputation for celebrating diversity. You can help do this by holding an event or activity in your neighbourhood during Hate Crime Awareness Week 2015. Events should raise awareness of hate crimes and encourage reporting.

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Today We Are Angry, Tomorrow We Must Talk

12 Nov 2014 - 15:23 by Mike Wild

A lot of people in the local voluntary sector are going to be very angry today. They’re going to feel threatened, undervalued, rejected and hopeless. The Council’s budget proposals will make horrible reading for many people who’ve been working very hard for a long time to make a difference in the city. For some groups this will mean cuts to services and activities. For many it will mean many job losses – the sector is an employer too, after all. For some this may be the last straw and we may see the end of a number of organisations that have made a great contribution to the city.
