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Big Lottery Fund Women and Girls Initiative - Empowering women and girls to take control of their lives

25 Jun 2015 - 14:46 by michelle.foster

The women and girls initiative is a funding stream of up to £45 million which The Big Lottery will invest in services for women and girls. The overarching aim of this funding is empowering women and girls to take control of their lives.

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Bids invited for Manchester community grants scheme

25 Jun 2015 - 14:44 by michelle.foster

Adactus Housing Association have announced the second round of their Neighbourhood Fund for Manchester.

There is £10,000 up for grabs across Manchester with a maximum of £1,000 available for each successful project.

The fund is open to individuals, residents groups, community groups, charitable organisations and social enterprises working in and around areas where Adactus have homes.

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Skipton Building Society's Grassroots Giving

25 Jun 2015 - 14:43 by michelle.foster

The idea behind Skipton Building Society’s Grassroots Giving campaign is to help community organisations, or groups, who only have access to limited funding from elsewhere. Submissions are welcomed from community groups of all shapes and sizes – the programme is looking to support smaller groups who struggle to find funding elsewhere and is not open to registered charities. Grants of £500 are available.

Skipton Building Society are looking for applications from organisations or groups that show a real commitment to their local community.

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Paul Hamlyn Foundation Announces New Grants Strategy for UK

25 Jun 2015 - 14:42 by michelle.foster

After a period of consultation, the Paul Hamlyn Foundation, one of the UK's largest independent grant-making foundations, has launched a new strategy which focuses on six new priorities relating to the changes it wishes to see in the UK.

To support its new strategy, the Foundation will be making £25 million a year available in grant funding to not-for-profit organisations in the UK who have great ideas that will support the new priorities.

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Lloyds Bank Foundation – Enable programme

19 Jun 2015 - 10:10 by michelle.foster

Enable provides a great opportunity to strengthen your charity so it can deliver more effectively. It can reinvigorate the charity by funding; organisational improvements; development of areas such as leadership and governance; improved systems; demonstrating outcomes etc. These developments will put the charity in a stronger position to be able to deliver services better and attracting funding.

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Small grants from the Charity Service

19 Jun 2015 - 10:07 by michelle.foster

Following a recent revision to its small grants programme, The Charity Service is inviting applications to two funds:

Manchester and Salford Medical Charitable Fund
Applications for funding are invited from charities, organisations and individuals to assist disadvantaged, sick and infirm people and those living in poverty. Grants are issued to assist with the purchase or supply of activities, amenities or items of a medical nature which are not supplied by the NHS. Grant beneficiaries must be resident within the cities of Manchester or Salford.

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Spirit of Manchester Awards 2015 – get your nominations in by 3 July

16 Jun 2015 - 16:03 by michelle.foster

The Spirit of Manchester Awards is a series of awards celebrating and highlighting all the excellent work being carried out in Manchester’s voluntary and community sector. As well as providing recognition to the sector in these hard times, we want to raise the profile of the sector amongst the general public and encourage local giving and active citizenship.

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Connecting Collyhurst Grants

12 Jun 2015 - 10:55 by michelle.foster

Do you dream if setting up a project, group or activity?
Would you like to access funding to help you realise you dream?

Collyhurst Big Local’s small grants scheme is for projects that will celebrate Collyhurst, encourage people in Collyhurst to come together and improve the quality of life for residents in the area. There are grants of up to £500 to give away for ideas that you’d like to put in place, or to help start a community project.

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