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More events added to Citywide Festival of volunteering and community groups

9 Sep 2015 - 15:20 by michelle.foster

Showcasing the spirit of the voluntary and community sector in Manchester

More events have been added to the Spirit of Manchester Festival - a citywide celebration of the amazing and invaluable services delivered by the voluntary organisations, community groups and social enterprises in Manchester.

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Myths about the voluntary sector - Parts 1 and 2

8 Sep 2015 - 14:38 by Mike Wild

A few weeks back I met with a group of voluntary & community sector leaders working with children young people and families and our local Director of Children's Services. We were talking about how to build the relationship between the sectors so we hit on the idea of writing a blog to challenge a few myths and misconceptions which tend to distort the relationship.

The Power to Change Initial Grants Programme

3 Sep 2015 - 14:41 by michelle.foster

The Power to Change Initial Grants Programme (IGP) is designed to help existing community businesses that are in a position to significantly improve their long-term sustainability within six months of receiving a grant. This means that they are looking for applications from existing organisations, which already have business plans in place and are ready to start work quickly on their proposals.

By the end of this year, they aim to have provided £9 million of funding and support to up to 70 community businesses.

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OneFamily Foundation Community Awards

3 Sep 2015 - 14:40 by michelle.foster

The OneFamily Foundation is here to help fund community projects that really matter to their customers. Community Awards of £5,000 and £25,000 are available for projects put forward by customers to improve their community. The OneFamily Foundation are helping customers across the country make a difference in their local area.

OneFamily customers can now nominate projects for a Community Award of up to £5,000 or up to £25,000.

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Paul Hamlyn Foundation - Ideas and Pioneers Fund

3 Sep 2015 - 14:37 by michelle.foster

The Ideas and Pioneers Fund supports people who have an idea with unusual promise to improve the life chances and opportunities of individuals and communities in the UK. The Paul Hamlyn Foundation are looking for ideas which relate closely to their own charitable mission – they aim to help people overcome disadvantage and lack of opportunity, so that they can realise their potential and enjoy fulfilling and creative lives.

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Equality Funding Programme Consultation

24 Aug 2015 - 09:08 by michelle.foster

Manchester City Council wants to consult with equality focussed voluntary sector groups in Manchester about the future of its Equality Funding Programme.

For further information, contact Liz Goodger at: [email protected]

This consultation is open until Monday 14 September 2015, 12noon

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Big Potential

21 Aug 2015 - 10:57 by michelle.foster

Big Potential, a BIG Lottery Fund grant fund, will deliver approximately £20m of grant funding over 3 years to eligible VCSE organisations with the aim of improving the sustainability, capacity and scale of VCSE organisations in order that they may deliver greater social impact.

The programme aims to raise awareness of the social investment market and support VCSEs who want to prepare themselves for social investment or winning contracts.

Big Potential has two possible application routes - Breakthrough and Advanced.

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Dream Fund 2016 is now open for applications

21 Aug 2015 - 10:55 by michelle.foster

The Dream Fund gives organisations the chance to deliver the project they have always dreamed of, but never had the opportunity to bring to life. The Postcode Dream Trust are asking charitable organisations across Great Britain to think big, be ambitious and collaborate with other not-for-profit partners to deliver their dream project.

Dream Fund 2016 will offer a total award fund of £2 million for charitable organisations to deliver their ‘dream’ project in the areas of Scotland, England or Wales in 2016-2018.

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Tailored and Time-effective: Benefit from two days of free critical management support in Manchester

21 Aug 2015 - 10:52 by michelle.foster

Struggling with your business plan? Need to improve your reporting to trustees and funders? Interested in improving your financial processes and information? In need of some fresh marketing ideas?

The Cranfield Trust is offering five charities the opportunity to benefit from action planning support from corporate volunteers in Manchester.

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