Policy and Influence

Love Will Always Win

I originally started writing this over the weekend, wanting to capture my rising sense of anger and anxiety at what we’ve been seeing. I've gone back to it a few times, feeling a need not to just roll out some fairly obvious words at a time like this. This isn’t meant to be a ‘briefing’ or a ‘statement’ - it’s a reflection and some thoughts I would encourage you to consider.

Police and Crime Plan VCFSE / Equalities Panels Engagement Event

The Deputy Mayor would like to invite you to a Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise and Equality Panel Partners Event.

This is a unique opportunity to get the VCFSE and Equality Panels together to shape how we can continue to ‘stand together’ to keep people safe in Greater Manchester and reset the Police, Crime and Community Safety Plan for the new electoral term that will run until 2029.

Building People Power

A one-day Social Care Future gathering to help build national and local people power For people who draw on social care and allies.

It’s time to shift the power. Come and join others who intend to influence social care, both locally and nationally. The sessions are for people who draw on social care, families and allies standing with them who want to build their knowledge, skills and strategies for powerful influencing.

Announcement: Macc has successfully secured Manchester City Council’s contract to provide infrastructure support to the city's voluntary, community, and social enterprise sector

Macc is delighted to announce that, following an open tender process, we have once again been successful in securing the contract with Manchester City Council to deliver infrastructure support to the city's voluntary, community, and social enterprise (VCSE) sector. This work enables us to support charities, community groups (including the community work done by faith organisations), voluntary groups, and social enterprises to be healthy, sustainable, well-run and above all, impactful for our communities.

General Election: Voter ID Certification support available

You will need a registered form of identification to be able to vote at a polling station during the upcoming elections. In cases where you don't have an acceptable form of ID, you can apply for a voter ID certificate online. If you need help with this process, libraries are running local voter ID sessions throughout Manchester. Staff will be on hand with mobile phones to help you apply online and to help take a photo for your ID.

Join the Making Manchester Fairer Network

Manchester City Council want to hear from passionate people from all over Manchester whose experiences and ideas will shape how to provide opportunities for and improve the health of Manchester residents.

Manchester City Council want to create a community forum made up of people who reflect the diversity of Manchester’s population, and want to find new faces and new voices to join conversations, share opinions and influence decisions that affect you, your family, your friends and your community.

Lloyds Bank Foundation's guide: What to expect when you're expecting a general election

Your guide to what’s going on, why you should pay attention and what it means for you and the people who use your services.

This guide for small and local charities explains why a general election important for small and local charities; Build relationships with MPs; Support the people who use your services to vote.