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Report: Responding to COVID-19 – Developing social contact models in a time of social distancing

6 Aug 2020 - 13:53 by michelle.foster

ambition for ageingConcurrent with tighter new rules for Greater Manchester announced last Thursday, Ambition for Ageing have released a new report to help build more effective social connection projects for older people during the new operating environment of COVID-19.

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Report: Going for GOLD! Growing Older with Learning Disabilities

16 Jul 2020 - 13:51 by michelle.foster

ambition for ageingGM GOLD (Growing Older with Learning Disabilities) was an inclusive research project carried out by a team of older people with learning disabilities.

Ambition for Ageing wanted to find out what older people with learning disabilities think about their local area, whether they feel part of their local community and what support or barriers exist to meaningful social contacts, interactions and activities.

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New Centre for Ageing Better report: Supporting carers back into work

3 Jul 2020 - 14:38 by michelle.foster

centre for ageing betterA new report from the Centre for Ageing Better looks at the needs of those with caring responsibilities trying to seek employment and how they can be supported back into work. The report is based on learning from Ambition for Ageing project, Working Potential.

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New publication: Identifying and supporting marginalised communities in neighbourhood working

2 Jul 2020 - 13:40 by michelle.foster

ambition for ageingAmbition for Ageing have launched two new documents outlining an approach to engaging marginalised older people using a spatial model developed during their five years of age-friendly research. The new model considers the size and geographical distribution of different communities as a way of engaging them in group activities.

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Call for evidence: finance and older people Manchester

25 Jun 2020 - 11:52 by michelle.foster

GMCVO are working with the GM Ageing Hub to identify what the issues are for older people around financial security. GMCVO are looking for reports, minutes or notes from conversations with older people, informal feedback or suggestions from your experiences. This could be something you have worked on yourself, or just information you are aware of.

If you have any information as to what these issues are email these to: [email protected] before Tuesday 30 June 2020.

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Engaging with members not online – teleconferencing

18 Jun 2020 - 14:06 by michelle.foster

ageing better in camdenTeleconferencing has been an important and useful tool to engage with members who are not online. While one-to-one befriending calls are excellent, it’s also great for people to be able to get together in groups, especially when other members may still be getting together online, via Zoom or other platforms.

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